Carbon Laser Facial
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Laser Facial
You have probably heard a lot about the new trend in laser facials, The Carbon Laser Facial. We call it our lunchtime peel because it is a fast and painless procedure with no downtime.
The Carbon Laser Facial is perfect for people with oily skin, acne, enlarged or clogged pores, and even Melasma.
It also works great if you are starting to see the effects of sun damage and aging to your skin.
If you have severe acne or mild acne scarring, it may take several treatments before you see full results. Fine lines and wrinkles should also be visibly diminished after several treatments.
our technology
What are the benefits of Carbon Laser Facials?
- Benefits
- What you can expect
- Getting the best results
[ What are the benefits of Carbon Laser Facials? ]
Carbon Laser Facials deeply exfoliate the skin. They also help stimulate collagen production. If you have problems with the following a Carbon Laser Facial may be your answer.
Acne Pigmentation
Acne Scaring
Enlarged or Clogged Pores
Fine Lines
Brown/Age Spots
[ Carbon Laser Facials use heat instead of chemicals for results, therefore: ]
Carbon laser facials require no downtime. People with sensitive skin or skin conditions like eczema or severe acne will usually experience less redness and irritation after a carbon facial vs a chemical peel. Safe on darker skin types.
[ How effective is a Carbon Laser Facial? ]
Laser Carbon Facials are typically highly effective for improving the look of oily skin and large pores. If you have severe acne or acne scarring, it may take several treatments before you see full results. Fine lines and wrinkles should also be visibly diminished after one or more treatments. Our aestheticians will recommend between 3-6 treatments depending on your skin type and how severe your skin challenges might be. The Carbon Laser Facial may be repeated every 2 to 3 weeks. Like chemical peels, laser carbon facials will not provide permanent results. You may need ongoing treatments in order to sustain the benefits. Everyoneโs skin is different. Our aesthetician will tell you about how many treatments you should anticipate needing before you start to reap full benefits. Carbon Laser Facials are painless and require no recovery time. Other than mild and temporary redness, there are no reported side effects.
[ What you can expect from your Carbon Laser Facial: ]
First, our experienced aesthetician will spread a layer of numbing cream to make your treatment comfortable. Then they will spread a layer of liquid carbon onto your face. The carbon absorbs oil, dirt, and dead skin cells from deep within the pores.
You will wait for about 10 minutes for the liquid carbon to dry.
After the carbon has dried, your we will give you eye shields to protect your eyes from the laser.
We use our amazing Pico technology laser over the skin in a low-energy setting. This heats up the carbon, binding it to the epidermis (the top layer of your skin).
If you have overly sensitive skin, we may recommend skipping the heating step. The laser also heats up the deeper levels of tissue, boosting collagen and plumping up fine lines.
In a higher-energy setting, the laser will then be used to fragment the liquid carbon into tiny particles.
A smoke evaporator attached to the laser will remove the carbon as well as the debris and impurities it contains.
After your treatment, we will use a moisturizing sunscreen to hydrate and protect your skin.
You should immediately see brighter, glowing skin and tighter pores.
If you have sensitive skin, you may experience a slight pinking or reddening of the skin. This usually lasts for one hour or less.
[ How Do I Take Care of My Skin After a Carbon Laser Facial? ]
Keep your skin moist with a moisturizer containing no retinol or other harsh ingredients.
Wash daily with a mild cleanser like Cetaphil.
It is normal to see some flaking or experience dryness for a few days,
Use sunscreen regularly with at least SPF 30+ for several days after treatment. We suggest Color Science because of its mild effective ingredients.
Do not use any products containing retinol for at least five days after treatment.
Do not exfoliate or use any abrasive or invasive skin treatments for at least one week.
After 5 days if you have oily skin, use products designed to combat acne to maintain optimum results. Image has some wonderful products for acne that we recommend.